A health reference guide for important minerals can be useful for those looking for ways to improve the mineral content of their bodies. These health reference guides for important minerals can thus help make people healthier and feel younger.

A health reference guide for important minerals was designed to help informed people about the mineral content that should be present in their bodies, which also touch certain aspects of their health. It is intended for general nutritional information and educational purposes. It does not intend to prescribe, treat, cure or diagnose any particular medical problem. Aside from this, it does not intend to promote any particular product.

General Idea of Health Reference Guides for Minerals

Minerals are important. Vitamins cannot be assimilated without minerals. Though the body can make a few vitamins, it cannot make a single mineral. Different quantities of minerals constitute the tissues and internal fluids. Minerals make up the:

-soft tissue
-nerve cells

This means minerals are all essential to a person's overall mental and physical well-being.

MINERALS serve as catalysts for many genetic reactions within the body. These include:

•muscle responses
•transmission of message through the nervous system and the
•utilization of nutrients in food.


It is a trace mineral needed in small amounts by the body. Boron assists in the proper absorption of:

•magnesium and
•vitamin D

The following are the advantages given by boron:

-It maintains strong bones and controls osteoporosis, especially in older people.
-It controls the loss of minerals through urination.
-It plays an important task in joint health. It helps those with rheumatoid arthritis.
-It raises up estrogen levels that could prevent bone loss
-It is required for proper growth of muscles
-It develops brain function and promotes mental alertness
-It plays a key role in how the body uses energy from fats and sugars.


The importance:

-It builds strong bones and teeth.
-It treats and prevents osteoporosis.
-It is important in the maintenance of regular heartbeat and transmission of nerve impulses.
-It lowers cholesterol levels and helps control cardiovascular diseases.
-It is an effective treatment for PMS.

It is recommended for:

•attention deficit disorders
•headaches and
•periodontal disease

-It reduces the risk of colon cancer. It neutralizes the toxic effects of cancer promoting fats.
-It reduces the formation of polyps.
-It lowers blood pressure.
-It prevents leg cramps.
-It maintains bone density and strength
-It helps prevent insomnia and anxiety.

A deficiency in calcium may result in:

•aching joints
•brittle nails
•elevated blood cholesterol
•heart palpitation
•high blood pressure
•muscle cramps
•numbness in the arms and legs
•rheumatoid arthritis
•rickets and
•tooth decay.

What can reduce the calcium levels of your body?

-high protein diet
-carbonated beverages
-alcohol and

Calcium Carbonate is an exceptional form of calcium and most commonly found in food supplements.


-It is refined and purified
-It contains no toxic metals like lead and aluminum.
-It is a little harder to absorb in people with low stomach acid. It should be taken with meal to improve absorption.

Calcium Citrate is Calcium Carbonate with Citrate Acid.
Calcium Aspartate is Calcium Carbonate with Aspartic Acid.
Calcium Lactate is Calcium Carbonate with Lactic Acid.
Calcium Citrate, Calcium Aspartate and Calcium Citrate are easily absorbed in spite of the output of stomach acid.

Symptoms of calcium deficiency may result in the following:

-arm and leg muscles spasms
-softening of bones
-back and leg cramps
-brittle bones
-poor growth
-tooth decay



-It involves the metabolism of glucose and is essential in the breakdown of cholesterol, fats, and proteins.
-It maintains stable blood sugar levels through proper insulin utilization.

It is important to maintain normal levels of blood sugar. High levels can cause damaging effects on the cells lining the arteries. It can cause circulation problems that may cause clogged arteries.

-It will reduce blood sugar and insulin levels in people with full blown type 2 diabetes.
-It helps prevent sugar cravings and sudden drops in energy.
-It promotes a healthy circulatory system.
-It can prevent anxiety and fatigue

It is used extensively by athletes and dieters. It promotes fat loss and increases lean muscle tissue.

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